Chapter Leadership

Chapter Officer Job Descriptions:

Chapter Key 3:  Chapter Chief, Chapter Adviser, and Staff Adviser (District Executive)

All Chapter Officers are elected to one-year terms of office January – December. They regularly attend Chapter AND Lodge events and meetings. They promote the proper wear of the Scout uniform. They vote on Chapter business, with the Chapter Chief voting in case of a tie. In consultation with the Chapter Chief, each officer appoints chairs and leads to help them with their duties. Chapter Officers are elected at the September Chapter Meeting after the Lodge Officers are elected at Fall Fellowship. They are trained in October and November. They are officially sworn in at the District Dinner in January.

All Chapter Officers have an adult Adviser / Associate Adviser to guide them. The Chapter Adviser is appointed and approved by the Lodge Adviser & Staff Adviser. All the Associate Advisers serve at the pleasure of the Chapter Adviser. They all normally serve for 3 year terms.

Elected Positions:

Chapter Chief—The Chapter Chief is the leader of our Chapter and represents our Chapter for all Lodge business. The Chapter Chief supervises all work of chapter officers and committee chairs. The Chief attends and votes at all Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) meetings. The Chief has some decision-making powers to keep the Chapter working until such time as the Chapter Executive Committee (CEC) can meet and vote on the appropriate issues. The Chapter Chief, in consultation with the Chapter Adviser and Chapter Staff Adviser is responsible for the day-to-day workings of the Chapter and serves as a member of the Elm Fork District Committee.

Vice Chief of Inductions—The Vice Chief of Inductions presides over all Ordeal and Brotherhood induction events and plans/executes the Chapter callouts. The VC Inductions replaces the Chief upon resignation due to moving from the area, illness, or any other unexpected circumstances. The VC-Inductions shall plan sufficient inductions weekends per year to attain and maintain a 50% Brotherhood membership ratio and the 50-candidate maximum per Ordeal ceremony.

Vice Chief of Program—The Vice Chief of Program is directly responsible for organizing and carrying out the annual camping promotions plan and our participation in Order of the Arrow High Adventure programs. The VC-Program is responsible for Chapter participation at Fall Fellowship, the Section Conclave, and the Lodge Annual Dinner.  In addition, they plan our Chapter events.

Vice Chief of Service—The Vice Chief of Service researches and organizes a chapter Service plan on projects within the district and supports the Lodge projects at our council camps. The VC-Service presents the plan for approval by the CEC in January. Projects approved are managed/monitored throughout the year. The VC-Service oversee the Order of the Arrow Unit Representative program.  The VC-Service is responsible for Chapter participation in the Summer Camp Staff Support Day in May and any other Day of Service for the Chapter.

Vice Chief of American Indian Activities (AIA)—The Vice Chief of American Indian Activities (AIA) is responsible for all Chapter ceremony, dance, and drum teams and all chapter ceremony equipment and outfits. The VC-AIA assists with the training of Chapter ceremony and dance teams and is responsible to assist at the Lodge Pow Wow.

Vice Chief of Communications and Technology (CommTech) —The Vice Chief of Communications and Technology is the managing editor of the Chapter newsletter. VC-CommTech is responsible for all social media and publications of the Chapter in print and online. The VC-CommTech maintain the Chapter website and is responsible to assist at the annual Lodge Leader Development Conference.

Vice Chief of Administration (Admin)—The Vice Chief of Administration maintains and updates the Chapter records and operates registration at all events. The VC-Admin maintains the records of all official meetings. The VC-Admin is responsible for all unit elections, membership, trading post and monthly / annual chapter reports.

Appointed Positions:

Unit Elections Lead—The Unit Elections Lead, under the Vice Chief of Administration, is responsible for all unit elections.

NEMATS—The NEMATS, under the Vice Chief of Inductions, assists with all Brotherhood induction events. The NEMATS shall assist to plan sufficient inductions weekends per year to attain and maintain a 50% Brotherhood membership ratio.

Elected Positions

Chapter ChiefSheiveh GKyle Hair
Vice-Chief of InductionsOPENOPEN
Vice-Chief of ProgramSantiago OOPEN
Vice-Chief of ServiceOPENOPEN
Vice-Chief of AIA (American Indian Activities) OPENOPEN
Vice-Chief of Communications and TechnologyOPENOPEN
Vice-Chief of AdminOPENOPEN

Appointed Positions

Unit Elections (Reports to Admin)OPENSteven Bristow
Brotherhood (Reports to Inductions)NEMATSHoward Gurnas